Category Archives: Health/Wellness

How to Have a Better Morning

I’ve always enjoyed waking up early to enjoy the morning. I love coffee. I love sitting at the kitchen table with my dad as the first few rays of light glint through the trees in our backyard. I love lounging on my deck with a good book, listening to the sounds of birds chirping and…
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DIY Flower Arrangements

  Get in the swing of spring! Nothing brightens my day more than fresh flowers. As spring sets in and flowers are blooming, here are my simple instructions for making your arrangements beautiful. I find flower arranging to be meditative and stress relieving, so my number one piece of advice is not to worry! Flower arranging should…
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Recipe Corner: Orange Glazed Chicken Salad

Make the last of orange season with this fresh salad! I had a few oranges that I needed to use up and I decided to try to make an orange vinaigrette for a salad. This recipe is very simple and healthy; it only took me about 20 minutes from start to finish and tasted delicious!…
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Keep Stress at Bay Every Day

"Stress is now considered the foremost contributor to our modern chronic maladies. Recent medical research by well-known clinicians has shown that stress is a major factor in causing heart disease, cancer, and a myriad of chronic and acute diseases of today's world." -Nischala Joy Devi* Stress is a huge factor in our everyday lives -…
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Are Your Employees in a Toxic Work Environment?

How is your work environment? Are your employees happy? Healthy? Motivated? Productive? Do you spend more time worrying about the regulations at your workplace than actually doing the important work at hand? How's your turnover rate? There are ways to ensure that your work environment stays productive with satisfied employees and it can start with…
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Chin Up

See The Blue Beyond The Trees We've all heard them before - "Stop & smell the roses." "Slow and steady win the race." "Chin up," etc. But what about, "See the blue beyond the trees?" I went for a mini hike with my family this past weekend. Things have been mighty crazy lately, so the…
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Dreaded RSV

It was one of every parents' nightmares—my little girl was in the hospital, looking so tiny and helpless in that huge bed, hooked up to an IV and oxygen. How did we go from my crazy, nonstop kid to this in just a matter of days?? After a week of being sick, 2 doctor visits,…
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Think Your Kid is Drinking Milk? Think Again….

A friend of mine shared a link to this article on Facebook this morning, and I was instantly appalled. (Although, sadly, not surprised.) Aspartame in milk? Seriously?!? Why is it that our country is making it harder and harder to eat wholesome, natural foods? Is it any wonder that there has been a huge spike…
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Warming Up to Workplace Wellness

EVERYONE WITH A JOB OR WITH AN EMPLOYEE - IT'S TIME TO PAY ATTENTION! At least 68% of adults and 17% of children in the US are obese or overweight.* Physical inactivity and poor diet cause more than 400,000 deaths each year.** Health care costs are reaching peak numbers in US history, and employers are…
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Zumba Survival Tips

There is no denying it - Zumba is a great workout.  Burning 700-1000 calories an hour, while making you feel like you're in a dance club instead of the gym, the reason for the popularity is obvious.  But if you've never tried it before, making it through that first Zumba class can be a little…
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