BRING IN THE LIGHT When the days become shorter and darker, you know it’s winter in upstate New York again. Waking up and going to sleep in darkness can begin to feel draining after the gloriously warm and bright summer and fall seasons. It can be difficult to keep spirits high when…
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Happy Easter!
Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter/Spring weekend! Photo Source: (c) Can Stock Photo / yarruta
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30-35 the New 90!
The past few weeks I have been drifting into thought about the journey through life and how our number of years on this planet in no way reflect how old you actually feel. My grandmother recently turned 95. We have been very close my entire life and it has always been a benchmark of sorts…
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DIY Flower Arrangements
Get in the swing of spring! Nothing brightens my day more than fresh flowers. As spring sets in and flowers are blooming, here are my simple instructions for making your arrangements beautiful. I find flower arranging to be meditative and stress relieving, so my number one piece of advice is not to worry! Flower arranging should…
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Bailey’s Corner: Find the Hidden Treasures
I love early spring. Know why? Because regardless of the temperature, there's still piles of snow around. And each new day I find new treasures. As the snow begins to melt, a different layer is revealed. They may complain that it's just different layers of my poop that have accumulated over the winter. But I know…
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See The Rainbows?
"See the Rainbows, Mama? Seeee??" What is it that children have that always allows them to see the magic in the most seemingly ordinary things? Do they have special eyes that we slowly lose over time? Or is it merely that they have not yet become jaded as adults do, and are therefore just able…
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