I love early spring. Know why?
Because regardless of the temperature, there's still piles of snow around. And each new day I find new treasures. As the snow begins to melt, a different layer is revealed. They may complain that it's just different layers of my poop that have accumulated over the winter. But I know better. The poop is just guarding all the hidden treasures!
I find something new each day - perfect chewing sticks that fell from the storm a month ago, the kid's toy she thought she lost, scents from a whole bunch of animals that wandered through our yard over the winter, the Christmas tree that disappeared in the blizzard, large amounts of tennis balls that fell in a snow bank and never found their way out. The other day I even found a flower trying to push its way up! The list could go on and on.
Every day they let me out has a fresh adventure waiting for me. New growing scents fill the air each day. An old toy becomes new again. New life and a new start emerge from the piles. It might appear ugly outside until nature finishes cleaning itself, but if you actually take a look around, you'll find all kinds of hidden treasures. Take a minute to really notice your surroundings. What do you see? Dig a little - what can you find? Even within yourself - what kind of treasure is waiting to be found?
It doesn't matter how the day starts, or what it may initially appear to be. It doesn't matter if it is cold, dark, sunny, stressful, too long, too short, etc. - Each day holds a "hidden treasure." We just need to open our eyes, stretch our paws, and search. It's there somewhere. And when we find it, we are as rich as a king - even if only for a day.