Monthly Archives: August 2015

Bailey’s Corner: Ride the Waves

They actually took a vacation this summer. BEST FREAKIN' WEEK EVER!! I got to be outside, non-stop, all day long. The sun was shining. They weren't in front of the computer all day, and there was water as far as the eye can see. That water never stopped moving and I never stopped playing. It…
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The Right to Ditch?

  SP welcomes our new contributor, Adam Berg! Adam is a writer from theĀ MillennialĀ age, and brings a fresh perspective to some of SP's activities. Technology, over the past two years, has vastly changed the way people meet each other and form relationships. As of 2014, Tinder, a dating app, where users "like" or "dislike" pictures…
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Just a Thought: Let Love Be…

The world feels topsy turvy to me lately. It's like someone turned things around and started shaking - like a snow globe. Everything is upside down and backward. Everything - even the weather. Everywhere I turn, I see hate. The media thrives on it. Fuels it. Creates it. Whether if it is politics, religion, diets,…
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