Tag Archives: Motivation

Focus on the Love

I am sitting here struggling with what to write. I‘m supposed to be writing an editor’s letter or next month's cover article, but I can’t seem to keep my mind focused. To just ignore the latest tragedy going on in our country and keep it “business as usual” seems wrong somehow; but I also don’t want…
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How to Have a Better Morning

I’ve always enjoyed waking up early to enjoy the morning. I love coffee. I love sitting at the kitchen table with my dad as the first few rays of light glint through the trees in our backyard. I love lounging on my deck with a good book, listening to the sounds of birds chirping and…
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30-35 the New 90!

The past few weeks I have been drifting into thought about the journey through life and how our number of years on this planet in no way reflect how old you actually feel. My grandmother recently turned 95. We have been very close my entire life and it has always been a benchmark of sorts…
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Bailey’s Corner: Ride the Waves

They actually took a vacation this summer. BEST FREAKIN' WEEK EVER!! I got to be outside, non-stop, all day long. The sun was shining. They weren't in front of the computer all day, and there was water as far as the eye can see. That water never stopped moving and I never stopped playing. It…
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Just a Thought: Let Love Be…

The world feels topsy turvy to me lately. It's like someone turned things around and started shaking - like a snow globe. Everything is upside down and backward. Everything - even the weather. Everywhere I turn, I see hate. The media thrives on it. Fuels it. Creates it. Whether if it is politics, religion, diets,…
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Bailey’s Corner: Find the Hidden Treasures

I love early spring. Know why? Because regardless of the temperature, there's still piles of snow around. And each new day I find new treasures. As the snow begins to melt, a different layer is revealed. They may complain that it's just different layers of my poop that have accumulated over the winter. But I know…
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A Winter Thought

The Snow Man* By Wallace Stevens One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice, The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun; and not to think…
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Fall = New Beginnings

[caption id="attachment_1077" align="aligncenter" width="350"] Photo by Jesse Storms Linton[/caption] Many people view fall as a time of endings - the end of summer, the shedding of dead leaves, the long sleep of winter, the end of another year. Granted, most people enjoy fall activities - playing in the leaves, apple picking, pumpkin patches, hay rides,…
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Quote of the Day

"The greats weren't great because at birth they could paint, the greats were great 'cause they paint a lot." -Macklemore
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