During a time when the spirit of Americana seems as far away as ever, what once was a thing of the past is now a safe night of fun. That’s right, we’re talking drive-in movies. With indoor movie theaters still shut down, if you’re lucky enough to live within driving distance to one of…
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Home Activities
The world has been told to stay home. Does that freak you out? Are you constantly worrying? Not sure what to do with your time so you don’t go stir crazy and literally start climbing the walls? Remember, there is no right way to do this. A “time out” can mean different things for different…
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Fictional World-Building Tips
Fantasy is my favorite genre. I’ve been a die-hard Lord of the Rings fan for as long as I can remember, I grew up playing The Legend of Zelda, and my favorite book series is A Song of Ice and Fire, which was then adapted into my favorite television series, Game of Thrones. Good fantasy…
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Developing Fictional Characters
Strong characters are a cornerstone of any successful story, but creating them is easier said than done. Here are a few things every character needs in order to come to life on the page. Relatability: Whether hero or villain, human or otherwise, it is important to make your character relatable to the reader.…
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5 Ways to Stimulate Creativity in Your Everyday Life
Many don’t realize that creativity is a skill, and like all skills, it requires practice. The best way to hone your creativity is to try creating something every day – whether it’s writing, painting, or just about anything. But we’ve all experienced a creative roadblock at one point or another. Whether you have no idea…
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Reading in a Technological Era
Once upon a time, books were the primary form of entertainment for people. But with the technological renaissance came other, easier ways to pass the time. Slowly but surely, books have become scarcer and scarcer. There are a few culprits behind the increasing disappearance of the physical book, the most guilty of which is the…
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How A Good Author Can Improve Your Life
Who is your favorite author? That can be a tough question for a lot of reasons. Maybe you love to read and struggle to pick just one. Maybe you are not a big reader and struggle to even think of one. Or maybe you just never even pay attention to the authors at all. However,…
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What Literature Can Teach Us
No matter your feelings toward literature and reading, everyone at some point in their life has picked up a book and felt at least something. That’s because literature has the power to teach us countless lessons and information. Here are just a few things literature can teach us: About ourselves. Books and the characters…
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Calling All Teens & Tweens!
We have a couple of projects coming up that involve the young adult book market and we want to hear from the young adults that read! This short survey only takes a few minutes and we would love your help. Please share this with any teens & tweens you know. We look forward to…
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A Conversation with Mary Frances Millet – Artist
Mary Frances Millet has been a successful artist for many years, but when she decided to try something new, she was suddenly propelled into a whole new world. She wanted to create a coloring book to celebrate her town, Schenectady, NY. We all know coloring books are hot, but she never expected it to take…
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