Tag Archives: Eddie Godino

Fictional World-Building Tips

  Fantasy is my favorite genre. I’ve been a die-hard Lord of the Rings fan for as long as I can remember, I grew up playing The Legend of Zelda, and my favorite book series is A Song of Ice and Fire, which was then adapted into my favorite television series, Game of Thrones. Good fantasy…
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The Pros and Cons of Social Media

Despite being a relatively recent creation, social media is already ingrained in our lives. Here are a few reasons why that could be cause for celebration, and a few reasons why it may be cause for concern.   PROS: Streamlined Communication: Perhaps the greatest gift social media has given us is connectivity with the rest…
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Speechwriting Tips

  Public speaking is a fear shared by many, and unfortunately, most have to face it at some point or another. It's important to first realize that writing a speech is different than writing an essay or story. By following these tips, you can get your speech to be the best it can be, thereby…
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Overcoming Indecision

Making decisions can be hard, and making the right decision can be even harder. Whether it’s a simple question of what you want to have for lunch, or a potentially life-changing decision like determining your career, the following methods can help you overcome your indecision.   Acknowledge the Consequences: Taking time to analyze the situation…
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Developing Fictional Characters

  Strong characters are a cornerstone of any successful story, but creating them is easier said than done. Here are a few things every character needs in order to come to life on the page.   Relatability: Whether hero or villain, human or otherwise, it is important to make your character relatable to the reader.…
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5 Ways to Stimulate Creativity in Your Everyday Life

Many don’t realize that creativity is a skill, and like all skills, it requires practice. The best way to hone your creativity is to try creating something every day – whether it’s writing, painting, or just about anything. But we’ve all experienced a creative roadblock at one point or another. Whether you have no idea…
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Reading in a Technological Era

Once upon a time, books were the primary form of entertainment for people. But with the technological renaissance came other, easier ways to pass the time. Slowly but surely, books have become scarcer and scarcer. There are a few culprits behind the increasing disappearance of the physical book, the most guilty of which is the…
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How to Self-Motivate

We all have those days where we wake up and just can’t get ourselves out of bed. Maybe you’re just tired, or maybe it’s just easier to stay under the covers rather than face the daunting tasks of the day. Knowing how to motivate yourself is a valuable skill regardless of your profession, but motivation…
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Tips for Writing a Business Email

In an era where almost everyone constantly has access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer, email has become the primary form of professional communication. With just a few clicks, you can instantaneously send word to your co-workers or employer. As a result, people, particularly in the business world, are constantly sending and receiving emails, and…
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